

This tag is associated with 11 posts

The Highest Praise

This past summer, I attended Katrina Kittle’s local reading and signing of her latest awesome novel, “The Blessings of the Animals.” The reading was superb, the author was entertaining. Then came the question and answer portion of the program. Katrina was generous as usual, answering questions about the new book, her previous books, where the words … Continue reading

Got Goals?

At the recent Antioch Writers’ Workshop, director Sharon Short asked me about my goals concerning my novel-in-progress. I think my expression was akin to looking at her like she had a bucket full of wombats on her head. I haven’t set goals for the novel, I told her, fighting the urge to hang my head as though I’d … Continue reading

Lost in the Moment(um)

I’ve lost momentum on the book. This has lasted for about a month. I don’t like it (insert lowered eyebrows, frowny face, and tightened lips here). It started with THE MOVE. My novel-writing routine had been established. The plot’s framework was in place. Eight reasonably-tight chapters had been written. Several key characters had appeared. Momentum and … Continue reading

Routine Roulette

When you move to a new place, you pack up all your stuff, take it with you, and leave routine behind (along with those old boxes of stuff you haven’t seen or thought about since the last time you moved). That’s what life has been for me this past three weeks. I’ve been playing routine roulette…letting the spinning … Continue reading

Runnin’ with the (un)Pack(ing)

Move…over. And if you need to walk from the office to the bedroom or through the living room to the kitchen in our new place, you will also have to move over…because you’ll have to manuever around the boxes upon boxes (upon other boxes). So no writing on my novel this week. It’s all about the move. … Continue reading

Move, Purge, Repeat

We are moving into a new place this week…and part of next week, too. How wonderful it is to gather up everything you own, shove it all into bags and boxes, and carry it to some new place where you unpack it all and begin to accumulate more! Or not. I guess that depends on … Continue reading

Writing…or not.

This week, I did no writing or editing on my novel. I was asked to review a book (see the category ‘Wreviews’ for the result), and spent the week reading the book and working on the copy for the review. That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it. So, I did write every day this … Continue reading

On the Hunt

An old axiom of the writing game is ‘write what you know.’ When I first started to take my writing seriously, I used to think that meant ‘don’t write what you haven’t experienced personally, because you don’t know jack about it, and you’ll come off amateurish and possibly unreadable” (yeah, I can get harsh with … Continue reading

Keep on keepin’ on…

I have a writer friend who posted on her Facebook status that she had written ten pages that day. I applauded her for that, and was momentarily disheartened about the pace of my own writing. But only for a moment. I realize that reality is a matter of perspective, and I need to have a … Continue reading

About the people in my head…

You can start a book by sitting down and writing, letting the words go where your imagination takes you. That’s the way I’ve written in the past, and it’s worked for me. While that will still work during the writing of my novel, (thankfully, because the unfolding of the imagination is one of my favorite … Continue reading